GWR 2301 Dean Goods 0-6-0


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This 00 Gauge model with Dean 2500 gallon tender, built and painted by Tom Mallard, portrays an example of the class in 1935 condition. The loco has the wider footplate and a Belpaire firebox. The cab has the later all metal roof. The parallel sided chimney is mounted on a later pattern riveted smokebox.

Dean Goods no. 2487 with round top boiler and coal-railed tender in post -1908 period livery.  This is a 7mm model built by John Petcher and painted by Alan Brackenborough.





To complete


Etched nickel silver frames, motion and brass superstructure

Round top and Belpaire boiler options

Lost wax, whitemetal and turned fittings

Flexichas suspension

Non-working, ‘dummy’ inside motion

Designed by Martin Finney

 Kit to convert to working Inside Motion kit - IM11


 Dean 2500 gallon tender or Dean 3000 gallon tender


 5'2" 16-spoke 10" crank throw - Ultrascale, Alan Gibson, Markits

 Motor  Designed for a Portescap 1219 but an alternative is a Mashima 1220
 Gearbox  High Level Road Runner + D1 with 54:1


Download the instructions. View the etches

The 260 engines of the 2301 class, designed by William Dean, were built over 16 years from 1883 to 1899. From this kit any of the class fitted with the S4 boiler can be built from circa 1900 to withdrawal; the first 130 had different boilers but from around the turn of the century rebuilding began with the B4 Belpaire boilers until by 1927 all had been modified.

Variations / Modifications possible from the kit

Footplate: Two different widths

Coupling rods: Plain or fluted

Cab: The cabsides of the first sixty engines had a large sweeping cut-out whereas the later engines had a standard two arc opening. With the fitting of Belpaire fireboxes the cabs were raised to allow the spectacle windows to be refitted and there were two distinct cab roof profiles. Cab roofs were latterly of steel replacing the earlier canvas covered wood.

Smokebox: The early smokeboxes had a plain front with ringed door. Later snap head rivets were used and from c.1920 the smokeboxes had a pressed front with Churchward type door without the ring.

Firebox: As well as a round top firebox wrapper, two different B4 firebox wrappers are provided with alternative positions of the washout plugs.

Steps: The front step and upper rear step were different on the first sixty engines.

Reversing rod: The first sixty had a straight rod; the remainder had a curved rod.

Chimney: Early built-up parallel type. From 1919 tapered cast iron type began to be fitted.

Top feed: From about 1913 onwards some forty on the class carried B4 boilers with top feed.

Balance weights: Changed from large type with visible rivets to a smaller plain design.

ATC: A large number of the class were fitted with ATC equipment in the 1930s.

Lamp brackets: Most have the front lamp brackets attached to the buffer beam but a few had the outer brackets fixed to the sandboxes.


Many of the earlier engines appear to have come out with second-hand iron frame or double-frame Armstrong tenders which were to be found on the class up to about 1912. Later engines were paired with standard Dean 2500 gallon tenders. In later years a significant number acquired larger Dean tenders of 3000 gallons capacity.

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